Friday, January 28, 2022

How to start with Jersey Framework | From Dilsecodie

Start  with Jersey framework 

Jersey framework is mainly used in developing restful API, 

to develop simple API as web services.

how can we use the jersey framework with java technology?

when we need fast development in rest API as a service, then we need to add dependency in pom.xml

for this we need to create a dynamic project using any Development IDE which supports java language.

Dependency need to add in the pom.xml file 

main dependency artifactId jersey-container-servlet-core its a dependency which  provide 

core features of jersey, and it's part of org.glassfish.jersey.containers.

but it provides in many versions we can use in any 

version according to our project need

jersey-server is also a dependency which is also an important part of the jersey 

framework and you download from org. glassfish

JSON-conversion we need to add some Jackson dependencies also

important Jackson modules are there like 

Jackson-module-parameter-names this dependency provided by 


Jackson-datatype-jdk8 is also  our Jackson  module dependency so this 

dependency provided by com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype

its mainly used for JSON parameters in data type 

Nowadays we can also use jersey framework with spring boot 

for this, we need to add the dependency to the spring boot project pom.xml

for spring boot jersey 

spring-boot-starter-jersey dependency is provided by org.spring framework.boot

So now let us start with the main structure of the jersey framework

If any request comes from the client end then that request check-in web.xml 

in web.xml 

need to declare load-on-startup tag which has some parameter with it,

like servlet-mapping tag will start URL-pattern tag which provides API 


then that request map to particular  action/controller servlet ist process 

done by jersey.config.server.provider.packages its part of servlet-class 


then there is our param-value for controller or action class location

After getting a proper request

in-class its  have a @path annotation map with its where an endpoint of

API declares in it.

I suppose its a get request then we can use inbuilt @GET annotation 

with that method, with its need to declare @produce("application/json")

for JSON API if we have an XML request then application/xml need to be 

used in that place.

In get method, @Context HttpServletRequest request, need to pass in

it to get request parameter with it.

OrderedJSONObject is a class used to send responses, it basically 

extend JSONObject class which provide a method to convert the output in 

JSON format, this class are not threaded safe.

So we need to create an object of OrderedJSONObject so we can put 

response output values in it, then return write(true); method.  


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