let's begin with Hybrid native application development
Using Ionic Framework with angular language.
Hybrid apps work for both cross-platform apps
It's a free and open-source platform.
With ionic, we can use another language also like to react,vue js
ionic mainly provide us UI component.
ionic is part of node_modules which provides different inbuilt modules
@angular module in it, node module decides ionic. config which module need to download
if its type is angular then its download angular modules init, or if we use react
then its download react modules with it.
So some feature we need to require to support in android or ios then we need to you
install plugins mainly we need for android Cordova-plugin-androidx
Cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter Cordova-plugin-app-version Cordova-plugin-splash screen
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview cordova-plugin-geolocation these plugin provide you
all basic features of android.
for ios, there are different plugins we can install and use them ios.json.
Now let's see the structure of ionic logics
if we need to create an HTML page then that page contains
all pages in the same folder like create a dashboard page
then its folder should have all pages related to it.
dashboard-routing.module.ts - in this file you should import Ngmodule from @angular/core
also include its html page - import{DashbopardPage} from './dashboard.page';
const rotes variable for routes map Routes =[{path:'';component :Dashboardpage}];
dashboard.modules.ts -same import your angular code package in it
so this page provide you Ngmodule where Dashboradpage routes
import { DashboradPage } from './dashborad.page';
imports: [
declarations: [DashboradPage]
export class DashboradPageModule {} - export the class with it
Then your Come with UI component file
dashboard.page.html - file
On this page, you need to draw your ionic components which related to like HTML tag
<ion-header> --- ion header mainly used to make a header on your page
<ion-toolbar --- toolbar its provide sidebar as mobile view to show menus
<ion-content class="bg-color"> --- ist just like body of a page you need to draw
you can write your custom CSS for this bg-colour class
<ion-card style="border-radius: 20px;">
<ion-col class="ion-align-self-start">
These tags are just like div in HTML - ion grid provides you with a blog type of page
where you can create your own style of <p> and any other activity to show your data.
Then for the CSS page, you can create dashboard.page.scss - this page basically have all CSS class with it like .contentcss{--offset-top: 0px; --offset-bottom: 0px;
moving further you need to create dashboard.page.spec.ts file to declare you component so you show to them on UI page
describe('DashboradPage', () => {
let component: DashboradPage;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<DashboradPage>;
beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {
declarations: [ DashboradPage ],
imports: [IonicModule.forRoot()]
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DashboradPage);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should create', () => {
these examples provide you overview of this page how it should begin with a component declaration.
Let us see the most important part of any page in this framework to create a logic file.
for example, suppose - if we create a dashboard.page.ts - file for logic implementation for the component declared in our UI page so that component can perform dynamically with reponse.
export class DashboradPage implements OnInit {
connectSubscription: any;
disconnectSubscription: any;
networkAlert: any;
constructor(public router: Router ,
private geolocation: Geolocation,
private appVersion: AppVersion,
// watch network for a disconnection
this.disconnectSubscription = this.network.onDisconnect().subscribe(() => {
console.log('network was disconnected :-(');
alert("You are Offline");
It's showing you Internet Connection working or not logic you write any logic on this page which you want to perform with UI component or you may also send a request to any API, and get a response from it to make dynamic logic.
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