Monday, January 31, 2022

Isaac Newton, the Physicist who know Why Apples Are Falling


He was the first person to realize that the physical law that govern our lives on earth are the same as those that governs the stars and planets. He opened people's

 eyes to the recognition that we are part of a broader universe.

 He gave us three laws of motion that are so accurate that we use it today in our everyday life in space also and told us about Gravity where it uses but can't explain how it works?.

 In 1781 WILLIAM HERSCHEL began his obsession with building a large telescopes.

 With these instruments, he made two major discoveries. First,

 we live in a huge collection of stars called the milky way and second is nebulae which is also called the nursery of stars. He did this work at his own residence, known as Observatory Hose, in Slough, England.

 In 1812 a young man working in a book binding shop named as

 MICHEAL FARADAY(my second hero)taken interest in science of electricity and taken classes of 

Sir HUMPHREY DAVY who is a member of the royal society.

 And after some time he started with sir Davy and discover 

the relation of electric and magnetic waves and invent electric motor. 

And also told us about that light is an EM wave but lack of education he can't prove it but a person named MAXWELL became his friend and show his work with mathematics and became popular all over the world. Then in 1838 FRIEDRICH BESSEL measure the distance between star and earth.

 Unfortunately stars are not the same intrinsic brightness, so  it is impossible to tell if a star appears dim because it's far away, or because it doesn't put out much light. The key for finding the distance to stars was discovered by 


 Then came most popular scientist in our history

 ALBERT EINSTEIN(my first hero) with his most popular equation 

E=MC2 and with his special and general theory of relativity and also told us about how gravity works.


finds our place in the milky way.

 After SHAPLEY, investigators found that there were two types of Cepheid variable stars,

 and then a person named EDWIN HUBBLE

 was comparing the bright kind of Cepheid in Andromeda with a dimmer kind of Cepheid in our own galaxy, 

which meant that Andromeda was actually twice as far away by this he came to know that milky way and Andromeda are different galaxy and then world came to knew that milky way is not the universe instead 

it is one of trillion of galaxy out in our universe and by

 this we came to knew that our universe is expanding. And then came the big bang era.

 On June 3rd 2001 NASA launch satellite which is also called 

W map mission is planned to photograph fossil remnant heat of the big bang.

 As after the big bang the gravity splits from the super force and initiate the expansion of universe as the universe expanded the temperature decrease and the burst out energy fueling the hyperinflation as proposed by


 And then all other three forces split into different forces.

 After cooling of universe the elements form by fusion as proposed by GAMOW and ALPHER. 

 And when first ray of light comes into existence then the radiation produce was detected by PENZIAS and WILSON.

 Then stars started to take shapes and heavier elements formed that are nitrogen,

 oxygen and carbon as FRED HOYLE predicted.

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