step 1: open link dilsecodie.
step 2 : Javascript section Splitword Function Using Javascript.
step 3: copy code from the website
step 4 : use in any Js function
step 5: only pass the word, need as a split result, dynamically
step 6 : get the return from the function
Now how to check cookies in javascript .
var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : [];
var rdecode = /(%[0-9A-Z]{2})+/g; var i = 0 for (; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var parts = cookies[i].split('=');
var cookie = parts.slice(1).join('=');
if (cookie.charAt(0) === '"') {cookie = cookie.slice(1, -1);}
Using this piece of code in your project you will get cookie status in your project .
Like doing validation of form if you want to validate any HTML form we can do it using javascript function .
function validateForm() {
var x = document.forms["myform1"]["demo"].value;
if(x==null || x ==''){
$("#loader").show(); --- its a custom way to show some msg or loader at user end.
return true; -- checking for status
Now lets see inner HTML example bcoz its required every where when using javascript ,
var ele = document.getElementById(id);
if( == "block") { = "none";
document.getElementById("header").innerHTML = "Dilsecodie Search";
document.getElementById("search").value = "dilsecodie blog";
}else{ = "block";
document.getElementById("header").innerHTML = "dilsecodieSearch";
document.getElementById("search").value ="dilsecodie";
as we can see javascript is a way we can use innerHTML to set or provide any values to particular elements by using id ,
as you can also see in the example we can also reset the style property for that element by using its id.
Now let's assume how to create an HTML page using javascript.
Create a new HTML document.
var writehtmlDoc = writehtml[0].contentWindow ? writehtml[0].contentWindow :
writehtml[0].contentDocument.document ? writehtml[0].contentDocument.document :
writehtmlDoc .document.write('<html><head><title>DIV Contents</title>');
var htmlToPrint = '' +
'<style type="text/css">' +
'.table3 th, .table3 td {' +
'border:1px solid #000;' +
'padding:0.5em;' +
'}' +
writehtmlDoc .document.write('</head>');
writehtmlDoc .document.write(htmlToPrint);
setTimeout(function () { window.frames["writehtml"].focus();
window.frames["writehtml"].print();--- some custom function
}, 600);
From the above example, we can see how we can create every HTML document,
first created headers for page, as you can also see how div created you can create n numbers
of div according to your page design, these types of pages are also used for cloning for pages using
javascript code.
Now let's see some important functions of javascript .
how to make page open in new window
function makenewwindow(){ - this function used to make new window with output page
var strwidth=window.outerWidth-650; -- to set width of a page.
var strheight=(window.outerHeight-160); --- need to set your height of page as per requirement .
var leftStr = (screen.width-window.outerWidth)/2; -- its calculate left side window
var topStr = (screen.height-window.outerHeight)/2-100;--- its give total of top height"yourpageurl.php",---- this important to provide your page name to open with
'newWin',"chrome=yes, minimizable=no,width="+strwidth+",-- we can provide info for chrome flag
fullscreen=yes, resizable=no,
alwaysraised=yes, scrollbars=yes,
menubar=no, toolbar=no, titlebar=no, statusbar=no,
location=no, directories=no); }
As per the above logic, we can create a window as a new tab. and can set data according to as per our needs.
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