step 2: goto Js section copy code in your function .
step 3: Get Url from the page. check code
step 4: pass complete URL in function
step 5: get the result in the return type
So common script can be used like :
var url = window.location.href; - its provide browser URL
var index = url.indexOf("%20"); - to removed encoded keyword
while (index != -1) { break URL into part
url = url.replace("%20", " "); - get original URL from it .
index = url.indexOf("%20"); - get index of word
var results = new RegExp('[\\#?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(url); - remove unnecessary part
return results[1] || 0; - return your result .
var pagepath = window.location.pathname;
var websitename= window.location.origin;
also can use these window method to get some results.
So lets see other ways to get URL from browser .
var URL_jq = $(location).attr('href'); - using jquery method to get URL .
var pagepath_jq = $(location).attr('pathname');
var websitename= $(location).attr('origin');
var portjs = $(location).attr('port'); - get url port
var protocoljs =$(location).attr('protocol'); - get url using protocol.
$.getJSON("dilsecodie.php?callurl=?", -function used to send request.
{ url:$(location).attr('href')}, - to get url hostname.
function(jsonresult){ }); function used to perform json responses.
var hosturl = $(this).attr('href'); - using this jquery script can change url parameter
location.hostcode = hostcode; - its will pass current value in it .
Promise.all([ - fetch data from url in array
fetch('').then(req=> req.json()), - send request to direct get url and save response in array
fetch('').then(req => req.json())
]).then(console.log) .
above script used to get data from multiple URLs and the response will be stored in an array.
To get the current URL use javascript window.location.href property to get complete URL.
for jquery XMLHttpRequest object method used to send URL to backend
document.baseURL its also away to get baseurl from this script
Some javascript property to get URL components.
href - to get complete URL
host - is used to get hostname with port
protocol - to get URL using protocol
hash - is used to hash portion of URL.
port - is used to get port from URL
search mainly used to get URL query parameter
Now can see other scripting languge how to get url from browser using php
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] - its used when query parameter with url
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] - this script used when completed url required
echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; can used to full path with url
if possible these script didnt work thenyou can use
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to get whole url .
for react js if need complete url then for that script will be
class dilsecodieApplication extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
this.props.location.pathname - its provide you the pathname of url
then pass this url to component - for thatb useParam hook to access get values in your url.
and pass that in routes block
<Route path ="pathfrom url" exact ={} component ={component} />
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